Final Output 2

The site that I have picked and found is entitled “Endless Letters “. The site is actually incredible, its all about historical events that are actually informative and very useful as reading material for all. Although the contents are short texts and stories, it tells a lot about other people’s experiences.

For me the site is actually:

The site is accessible.
The site is very unique.
The site has the likeable theme.
The site is very informative.
The site has awesome music and moving objects as design.
The site has its own special features.
And every part of the site actually has their own story as I have said.
The site even has its own dramatic font.

For improvements:

For the improvements there is not much to change for me, maybe the suspenseful music although you can actually turn them off.

And also the visibility of the share button at the bottom left and also the mute button at the bottom right part of the screen.

